
How to mark a pet as “adopted” or “unavailable”

Advanced users can submit pets to, but it doesn't stop there – we've added a few more functions for you, such as marking your pets as "adopted" or "unavailable" for convenient mainenance of your pet status.

Mark pets as "adopted" or "unavailable" when the pet gets adopted or it's not for adoption anymore (for any possible reason). It will prevent the pet from appearing in search results, and where it still apears, it'll be mentioned that the pet is not for adoption anymore – which will prevent users from sending you adoption requests, etc.

In some cases the pet can still be seen; for example, if a user saved your pet in his/her favourites list when the pet was for adoption, so the pet won't be removed from the user's list once you mark it as "adopted" or "unavailable", but a label will inform the user about pet's status change.

You have more than one way to update your pet's adoption status:

From your account

  1. Click "My Pets / Account" button on the left side, on any page. My Account button
  2. Use the upper drop-down menu to filter pets by status in order to find the pet you want to update, or use the search-by-name feature echo beside the drop-down menu. Status drop-down filter and search-by-name feature
  3. You'll see a summary of the pet's profile, and a few buttons, amongs them are "Mark as Adopted" and "Mark as Unavailable". Change status buttons
  4. That's all, just click one of the buttons.
    Keep in mind, a pet can be marked whether "adopted" or "unavailable", but not both. If you mark it, for example, as "adopted", but then decide to change to "unavailable", first you'll have to mark it back as "for adoption", and only then you'll be able to mark it as "unavailable".

From pet’s profile (or another page)

  1. On pet's profile or wherever you see "My Pet | Edit" on your pet's image, you can click "Edit" to start editing the pet. My pet - Edit button
  2. Below the main title, you'll see the current pet's status and a link "change" – click it. Change pet's status link
  3. Then you'll reach the same screen as explained in point #3 of previous option "From Your Account" above.
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